About MedJobs Nepal

We Create Opportunities

MedJobs Nepal connects job seekers and recruiters through a modern technology platform. We simplify the job search process by gathering scattered job information from various sources. Our platform provides job providers with a dashboard to post jobs, collect CVs, communicate with candidates, and schedule interviews. Job seekers can apply for jobs, update their resumes, and access employment information conveniently, all in one place. Join us and discover your dream job today!

Meet Our Team

Milan Bhandari

Marketing Manager

Suresh Subedi

BDO/Hiring Expert

Connecting Talents

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What We Do?

Connect People with the Right Jobs for Them

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We're Hiring !!!

Join MedJobs for an exciting career in healthcare and pharmaceuticals! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, we offer dynamic opportunities in a supportive environment. Make a real impact and shape the future with us. Join the journey today!